Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

Our company aim:

We work hard to ensure all product and provider information listed on the GeneralSure website is up to date and accurate.

Making a complaint

We hope you find our service of great benefit and hope that you never feel the need to complain. However, in the event that you find incorrect or missing information on our website, then we have put in place a straightforward procedure for you to raise a complaint in order that we may correct the issue.

In all instances, you should email your complaint to support @ - this email is monitored daily. Alternatively you can use our online contact form.

Finding incorrect or missing information:

If you find a problem with the information presented on our website then email us with the following:
• Type of product e.g. insurance, broadband, credit card, mortgage etc.
• If applicable, the name of the provider i.e. the company/brand name offering the product
• The name of the product from the provider
• The website page that the error appears in
• The information that you believe is incorrect
• If you can, please provide the URL of the web page i.e. the exact link to the page with the error

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